Oasis Ministry... more than just a church!

Vision - A Ministry fully established to provide the necessary provisions for all Men and Women including food and shelter (a safe haven) while leading them to new beginnings in Jesus Christ. A community centered Church/Ministry providing for people in need in our community. Bring into being Disciples and sending them out two by two to Share the Good News of the Gospel as is directed in the Holy Bible.


Bishop Elizabeth Melendez

Bishop Roberto Decena

Mission - Oasis Ministry is devoted to bringing the good news of the Gospel through Jesus example He Left us. loving and servicing the wounded and broken hearted. We will demonstrate the love that Jesus gave in our service and good deeds as we expand the Kingdom of od and help the wretched…

Key Term Definitions

  • Prayer and Fasting

    Two terms that are of extreme importance in Christian life are Prayer and Fasting. Both are powerful spiritual disciplines that must be practiced in our lives. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life. The practice of prayer and fasting have strong roots in the Bible. Jesus himself spent time in prayer and fasting during his life on earth, and he expected his followers to pray and fast as well.

  • Service

    In the Bible there is a huge emphasis on the importance of providing service to others. When asked how to inherit eternal life, Jesus told us that the two key points were loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. One great biblical example of service is the parable of "The Good Samaritan". In this parable the bible shows us how the person who loves his neighbor is the one who provides service to him Your neighbor is not just the one that lives next to you. Your neighbor is everyone.

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Zelle: oasisministryinc@icloud.com